Antonio Agresti |
University of Rome Tor Vergata |
Italy |
Adrian Bachtold |
ICFO – The Institute of Photonic Sciences |
Spain |
Francesco Bonaccorso |
IIT-Graphene Labs / BeDimensional |
Italy |
Peter Bøggild |
DTU Nanotech |
Denmark |
Mads Brandbyge |
DTU Nanotech |
Denmark |
Choon-Gi Choi |
Korea |
Lucia Gemma Delogu |
Institute for Pediatric Research |
Italy |
Andrea Ferrari |
University of Cambridge / CGC |
UK |
Giuseppe Iannaccone |
University of Pisa |
Italy |
Vittorio Morandi |
Italy |
Ilkwon Oh |
Korea |
Nicola Pugno |
University of Trento |
Italy |
Marco Romagnoli |
Italy |
Saverio Russo |
University of Exeter |
UK |
Damien Voiry |
IEM/Université de Montpellier |
France |