You are invited to submit your abstract for TNT2019.
The abstract should be written in English, the official language of the event.
Abstracts should only be submitted online. 
The deadline for abstract submission (Oral request) is Ongoing

Only one contribution per presenting author will be accepted.

Authors should mandatory use the TNT2019 abstract format available for download from the conference WEB site (www.tntconf.org/2019/abstractSub.php?conf=19) – 1 page max including figures and references.
After submitting your abstract, you will receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive any confirmation by email please contact the Conference Secretariat: info@tntconf.com
Authors should indicate their presentation preference: oral or poster. The TNT2019 Committee reserves the right to decide on the final allocation and presentation method.

Abstracts accepted by the Committee will be included in the program of the conference only if the presenting author is registered and his registration fee paid in full by September 01, 2019. If the presenting author is not registered and paid in full by this date, the TNT2019 committee will remove the abstract from the Program.

Accepted abstracts will be published in the TNT2019 Conference Book (digital format).
Mario Amado (Universidad de Salamanca, Spain)  DOWNLOAD
Long range topological valley currents in single layer graphene superlattice near the main Dirac point
Aleandro Antidormi (Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2), Spain)  DOWNLOAD
Effect of structural disorder and chemical doping on thermal transport in Nanoporous Graphene
Daniel Jose Arismendi Arrieta (Donostia International Physics Center, Spain)  DOWNLOAD
Large-scale simulations of soft polymeric particles at liquid-liquid interfaces: Effects of network topology on the miscibility of inmiscible solvents
Fabienne Barroso-Bujans (Donostia International Physics Center, Spain)  DOWNLOAD
Subnanometer 2D-confinement of poly(ethylene oxide) in graphene-based materials: effect of polymer topology
Pedro Brandimarte (Donostia International Physics Center, Spain)  DOWNLOAD
Multi-probe scanning tunneling spectroscopy for in-plane electronic transport: theory and experiment
Yia-Chung Chang (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)  DOWNLOAD
Exciton Coupled to Fermi-Sea Polarizations In Semiconductor Quantum Wells and Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides
Alicia de Andrés (ICMM/CSIC, Spain)  DOWNLOAD
Orientation dependent Cu oxidation and anomalous Raman shift for the graphene-copper system
Carmen Del Hoyo Martinez (Universidad de Salamanca, Spain)  DOWNLOAD
Nanoclays for industrial decontamination applications
Enrique Diez (Universidad de Salamanca, Spain)  DOWNLOAD
Cryo-etching method for quantum constrictions in encapsulated graphene
Manh-Ha Doan (Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)  DOWNLOAD
Quantum transport in van der Waals heterostructures at room temperature
Thomas Frederiksen (Donostia International Physics Center, Spain)  DOWNLOAD
Electron beam splitting and interferometry with graphene nanoribbons
Arvaidas Galdikas (Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania)  DOWNLOAD
Kinetic modeling of nanocomposites formation during co-deposition of binary films
Eduardo Gil Santos (IMM-CNM-CSIC, Spain)  DOWNLOAD
Optomechanical biosensors
Emre Gür (Atatürk University, Turkey)  DOWNLOAD
High Performance of Electrochromic Devices based on WO3 Nanowalls
Andrey Kovalskii (National University of Science and Technology “MISIS”, Russia)  DOWNLOAD
Hybrid BN/Au and BN/Pt nanoparticles development as promising catalysts
Eugene Krasovskii (University of the Basque Country, Donostia International Physics Center, and IKERBASQUE, Spain)  DOWNLOAD
Microscopic View on Relativistic Splitting and Spin-Dependent Scattering of Surface States
Oscar Malvar (IMM-CNM-CSIC, Spain)  DOWNLOAD
Mass and stiffness nanomechanical spectrometry
Daniel E. Martínez-Tong (University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Spain)  DOWNLOAD
Shaping polymer surfaces by laser interactions: formation and nanomechanical properties of LIPSS in controlled environments
Rodrigo Menchón (Donostia International Physics Center, Spain)  DOWNLOAD
Ab initio vibrational properties and isotope effect in H-bonded ferroelectric materials
Alexei Nazarov (Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics NASU, Ukraine)  DOWNLOAD
Plasma Modification of Nanoporous Graphite Films
Ilya Nechaev (Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC), Spain)  DOWNLOAD
Ab initio relativistic k.p models for non-centrosymmetric systems with competing spin-orbit and magnetic exchange interaction
Mikhail Otrokov (Materials Physics Center (MPC), Spain)  DOWNLOAD
New Universal Type of Interface in the Magnetic Insulator/Topological Insulator Heterostructures
Michele Pisarra (Imdea Nanociencia, Spain)  DOWNLOAD
Nanostructured graphene catalyzes the reaction between two organic molecules
Guillermo Pozo (VITO, Belgium)  DOWNLOAD
Tailoring magnetic properties of nanoparticles by gas-diffusion electrocrystallization (GDEx)
Jorge Quereda Bernabeu (Universidad de Salamanca, Spain)  DOWNLOAD
Symmetry regimes for circular photocurrents in monolayer MoSe2
Rafael Ramírez-Jiménez (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain)  DOWNLOAD
SERS in the ultra-small limit: size and interparticle distance effects
Eva Rauls (Institutt for matematikk og fysikk, Norway)  DOWNLOAD
On-Surface Site-Selective Chemical Conversions -- Corroles on Ag(111)
Adam Rycerz (Jagiellonian University, Institute of Physics, Poland)  DOWNLOAD
Mesoscopic valley filter in graphene Corbino disk containing p-n junction
Yu Kyoung Ryu Cho (ICMM-CSIC, Spain)  DOWNLOAD
p-type-doped WSe2 nanoelectronic devices fabricated by oxidation scanning probe lithography
Özge Saglam (Izmir University of Economics, Turkey)  DOWNLOAD
Oxide Nanosheets Structured Upconverting Nanofilms
Frederik Schiller (Centro de Física de Materiales (CSIC), Spain)  DOWNLOAD
Structure and electronic properties of h-BN on curved crystals
Didier Tonneau (CINAM, France)  DOWNLOAD
High lateral resolution fibered sensor for dosimetry at high energies
Rodica Turcu (National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, Romania)  DOWNLOAD
Magnetoresponsive nanosystems with controlled morphology and surface functionalization
Celina Vaquero (TECNALIA, Spain)  DOWNLOAD
Applications of hybrid graphene pastes for functional printing
Ladislau Vekas (Romanian Academy-Timisoara Branch, Romania)  DOWNLOAD
Ferrofluids and ferrofluid based magnetorheological fluids: tuning the flow behavior by micron-size Fe particles and magnetite nanoclusters
Nerea Zabala (University of the Basque Country UPV-EHU, FCT-ZTF, Spain)  DOWNLOAD
Broad band infrared modulation with spintronic- plasmonic metasurfaces
Xiaolu Zhuo (CIC biomaGUNE, Spain)  DOWNLOAD
Synthesis of Ultrathin Silver Nanorods and Enhancing Their Stability in Biofluids
Michal Bodik (Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia)  DOWNLOAD
What will stop the exfoliation of MoS2
Jakub T. Domagalski (Unversitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain)  DOWNLOAD
Engineering of Magnetic Nanotubes Based on Nanoporous Anodic Alumina
Bruno Hermenegildo (BCMaterials, Basque Center for Materials, Applications and Nanostructures, Spain)  DOWNLOAD
Magnetically active hydrogel microenvironments for tissue stimulation
Kristina Jajcevic (University of Geneva, Switzerland)  DOWNLOAD
Carbon nanomaterials fabricated with lipid nanotube templates
Amina Kimouche (ICN2, Spain)  DOWNLOAD
Electronic and magnetic properties of an on-surface synthesized 2D metal organic framework
Maria Kovacova (Polymer Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia)  DOWNLOAD
New hydrophobic carbon quantum dots mediated antibacterial activity in various polymer matrix
Sonja Krohn (Fraunhofer Institute, Germany)  DOWNLOAD
Synthesis of Elongated CdSe/CdS Core/Shell Nanoparticles Realized on Top of Cubic Crystal Structured Cores
Aaron Lee (Adolphe Merkle Institute, University of Fribourg, Switzerland)  DOWNLOAD
Understanding the role of particle rigidity in nanoparticle-cellular interactions
Lukas Steinmetz (Adolphe Merkle Institute, University of Fribourg, Switzerland)  DOWNLOAD
Lock-in thermography to investigate nanomaterial-cell association trends
Jasim Zia (University of Genoa and Italian Institute of Technology, Italy)  DOWNLOAD
Biocomposite foams as rapid indicators for pH changes