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TNT2009 Travel Bursaries for Students

Extended Deadlines
Student Grant (travel bursuary) Request:
May 11, 2009
Student Grant Notification:
May 26, 2009
Early Bird Registration Fee:
June 08, 2009

A limited number of graduate assistantships are available to allow students performing graduate work to present a poster at the upcoming Trends in Nanotechnolgy 2009 Conference. These five days conference will feature talks addressing all fields of science, engineering and technology at the nanoscale.

To be eligible, students must be actively pursuing a PhD degree and must be in good standing with their department. To apply for travel funds, please submit a two-page abstract of the subject you will present in a poster session. Also, send using the "Grant Form" a short letter of support from your thesis advisor. Preference will be given to students nearing completion of their thesis work.

Around 60 student travel bursaries will be available for TNT2009. These bursaries will cover partially travel expenses. During the conference, the organisation will provide a reimbursement form to each student granted. On receipt of this form dully filled out and of the requested documents (copy or original receipts), the organisation will submit them to the funding Institution to allow them to process the reimbursement.
The reimbursement process could take between 2 and 4 months depending of the source of funding.

54 student grants were awarded in 2008: http://tntconf.archivephantomsnet.net/conf/history.php

10 Basque Country graduate grants (covering student fee) sponsored by NanoBasque / 325 Euros each - on the basis first come / first served (Closed)

10 European graduate grants (travel bursaries) sponsored by GDR-I
(topic of research: Nanotubes & Graphene) / 300 Euros each (Closed)

35 nanoaracat graduate grants (travel bursaries) sponsored by nanoaracat:
-15 graduate grants for Aragon (covering student fee) / 325 Euros each (10 grants available)
-20 graduate grants for Cataluña (reduced fee) / student fee: 175 Euros (instead of 325) - (Closed) *
*after notification, a specific registration form will be available online to be able to register with the specific reduced fee.

20 graduate grants (travel bursaries) sponsored by TNT2009 organisation / 150 Euros each (Closed)

Contact person:
Dr. Antonio Correia (TNT2009)
Fundacion Phantoms
PCM - Pabellon C - 1º Planta
Campus de Cantoblanco
Ctra de Colmenar km 15 - UAM
28049 (Madrid), Spain

E-mail: tnt2009@tntconf.org
Fax: +34 91 4973471

20 Canadian graduate grants (travel bursaries) sponsored by NSERC/CRSNG (Nano Innovation Platform) / 1000 Canadian dollars each (8 grants available) :

Contact person:
Prof. Peter Grutter
Physics Dept, Rutherford Bldg, McGill University
3600 rue University, Montreal (Quebec) H3A 2T8 Canada

E-mail: grutter@physics.mcgill.ca

First Name(*)
Last Name(*)
Name of thesis Director(*)
Letter of support from thesis advisor (*)
  File name should be as following: Letter_TNT2009_Familyname_Name
To validate the Grant Form, please write the following code:
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