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TNT2009 is been launched following the overwhelming success of earlier Nanotechnology Conferences. The TNT2009 edition (September 07-11, 2009) will take place in Barcelona (Spain) in particular to emphasise the importance at the Spanish and European level of the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology activity of the Catalonian region. This high-level scientific meeting series aims to present a broad range of current research in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology as well as related policies (European Commission, etc.) or other kind of initiatives (nanoGUNE, FinNano, GDR-I, etc.). TNT events have demonstrated that they are particularly effective in transmitting information and establishing contacts among workers in this field.
The TNT2009 structure will keep the fundamental features of the previous editions, providing a unique opportunity for broad interaction.

Invited Speakers
  Masakazu Aono (NIMS / MANA, Japan)
  Federico Capasso (Harvard University, USA)
  Pedro Echenique (DIPC / UPV-EHU, Spain)
  Sumio Iijima (Meijo University, Japan)
  Uzi Landman (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
  Stuart Parkin (IBM, USA)

  Javier Aizpurua (CFM-CSIC / DIPC, Spain)
  Adrian Bachtold (CIN2, Spain)
  Michael R. Berman (AFOSR, USA)
  Marc Bockrath (CalTech, USA)
  Yia-Chung Chang (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
  Claude Chappert (IEF-CNRS, France)
  Jean-Christophe Charlier (University of Louvain, Belgium)
  Vincent Derycke(CEA Saclay, France)
  Herve Dietsch (University of Fribourg, Switzerland)
  Toshiaki Enoki (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
  Andrea C. Ferrari (University of Cambridge, UK)
  Paulo Freitas (IST, Portugal)
  Akira Fujiwara (NTT Basic Research Laboratories, Japan)
  E. E. Fullerton (UCSD, USA)
  Antonio Garcia-Martin (IMM-CSIC, Spain)
  Peter Grutter (Mc Gill University, Canada)
  Tsuyoshi Hasegawa (MANA - NIMS, Japan)
  Masahiko Hara (RIKEN Advanced Science Institute and Tokyo Institute of technology , Japan)
  Burkard Hillebrands (Univ. Kaiserslautern, Germany)
  Luis Hueso (CIC nanoGUNE, Spain)
  Christian Joachim (CEMES-CNRS, France)
  Annick Loiseau (LEM - ONERA, France)
  Roberto Otero (LASUAM, Spain)
  Ruben Perez (UAM, Spain)
  Stephen Purcell (Université Claude Bernard Lyon1, France)
  Vincent Reboud (Catalan Institute of Nanotechnology, Spain)
  Francois Rossi (JRC, Italy)
  Tom Thomson (University of Manchester, UK)
  Kazuhito Tsukagoshi (NIMS, Japan)
  Niek F. van Hulst (ICFO, Spain)
  Christophe Vieu (LAAS, France)
  Christoph Weder (Case Western Reserve University, USA)
  Constantine Yannouleas (Georgia Inst. of Tech., USA)
  Tomaso Zambelli (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)


  Antonio Correia

   Fundacion PHANTOMS

   PCM - Pabellon C - 1º Planta

   Ctra. Colmenar Viejo Km 15

   Campus de Cantoblanco-UAM, 28049 Madrid


  Proceedings of the International Conference "Trends In Nanotechnology" (TNT2009). More Info
10th Trends in Nanotechnology International Conference (TNT2009) will take place in Barcelona (Spain
  "Trends in Nanotechnology" International Conference series Portal (TNTconf) online. More Info

TNT2009 Specific Sessions
  Nanobiotechnology (organised in collaboration with IBEC-UB)
  Nanomagnetism (organised in collaboration with nanoGUNE)
  Nanotubes & Graphene (organised in collaboration with GDRI)
  NanoIndustry Parallel Session (organised in collaboration with 22@Barcelona)

TNT2009 Exhibition
TNT conferences provide an ideal venue for industrial, academic and governmental organizations to share common objectives and drive the commercialisation of nanotechnology discoveries.

This year we have chosen Barcelona for TNT2009. This lively city is  located on the Spanish Mediterranean coast, and is well connected by road and  rail to other parts of Spain and Europe. In addition, Barcelona International Airport is the second largest in Spain. Research Institutes and Universities,  technology and research centres (ICN - CIN2 - IN2UB) and extensive business and  industrial activities, all combine to give Barcelona, and its  surroundings, its singular potential for commercial growth and  development.

TNT2009 also wants to encourage local entrepreneurial companies, universities and technological research centers to join the conference, and to participate in the exhibition.
For this purpose, the organisation will set-up a macro exhibition area with standardized exhibition stands for Technological Research Centers, Universities, Spin-Offs and N&N initiatives from Cataluña area.
More Info


TNT2009 Material Online:
Download conference Abstract Book

Download conference Abstract Book (Posters)

Learn more about the previous edition celebrated in Oviedo (Spain)
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