Antonio Avila (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil) - Nanostructured and nanoparticle based materials
"Non-covalent Functionalization of Carbon Based Nanostructures and Its Application to Carbon/Epoxy Composites"
Ioan Baldea (Universität Heidelberg, Germany) - Theory and modelling at the nanoscale
"Important impact of the experimental platform on the efficient simultaneous control of electronic and vibrational properties of molecular junctions"
Jean-François Berret (Université Paris-Diderot/CNRS, France) - Low dimensional materials (nanowires, clusters, quantum dots, etc.)
"Magnetic field-induced supracolloidal assemblies for micro-rheology applications"
Gaëtan Calbris (ICFO, Spain) - NanoOptics / NanoPhotonics / Plasmonics / Nanophononics
"Investigating vector local field on optical nanostructure by phase-locked polarization-resolved near-field coherent imaging"
Miklós Csontos (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary) - Other
"A fast operation of nanometer–scale metallic memristors: highly transparent conductance channels in Ag2S devices"
Fabien Delpech (Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie des Nano-Objets, France) - NanoChemistry
"Unravelling the surface ligand of quantum dots: upgrading the NMR toolbox to see the invisible"
Heinrich Diesinger (Institut d´Electronique, Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie, CNRS UMR 8520, France) - High spatial resolution spectroscopies under SPM probe
"AFM current-force spectroscopy of colloidal nanoparticle arrays"
Pierre Fau (LCC-CNRS, France) - Nanostructured and nanoparticle based materials
"Self-Assembled Hollow SnO2 Octahedra for sub-ppm Gas Detection Sensors"
Roberto Fiammengo (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) / Center for Biomolecular Nanotechnologies@UniLe, Italy) - Nanobiotechnologies & Nanomedicine
"Towards a Gold Nanoparticle-based Vaccine Directed against the Tumor Associated Mucin-1 Glycoprotein"
João Gaspar (INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Portugal) - NanoOptics / NanoPhotonics / Plasmonics / Nanophononics
"Hybrid Spintronic-MEMS Devices"
Arnaud Glaria (Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie des Nano-Objets (LPCNO), France) - Nanobiotechnologies & Nanomedicine
"Design of Copper-based Coatings for Bactericidal Applications"
César González (CEA Saclay, Service de Physique de l’Etat Condensé (DSM/IRAMIS/SPEC) , France) - Theory and modelling at the nanoscale
"Chemical Characterization of MoS2 using theoretical AFM"
Konstantin Gusliyenko (EHU/UPV, Spain) - Nanomagnetism and Spintronics
"Effective magnetization damping in inhomogeneous spin textures: vortices and skyrmions"
Kazutoshi Haraguchi (Nihon University, College of Industrial Technology, Japan) - Nanostructured and nanoparticle based materials
"Structures and Characteristics of noble metal nanoparticles in nanocomposites & gels via exfoliated clay mediated in-situ reduction"
Hsin-Yun Hsu (National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan) - Nanobiotechnologies & Nanomedicine
"Redox-triggered, self-disassembled silica-based nanoplatform for intracellular imaging and drug delivery"
Myrtil Kahn (LCC-CNRS, France) - Nanobiotechnologies & Nanomedicine
"Oxydation route determines the magnetic and relaxivity properties of iron oxide nanocrystals: toward highly efficient MRI contrast agent"
Ladislav Kavan (J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry, Czech Republic) - Nanomaterials for Energy
"Optically Transparent FTO-Free Cathode for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells"
Marek Kolmer (Jagiellonian University, Poland) - NanoChemistry
"Bottom-up formation of molecular wires on a semiconducting oxide: Aryl halides covalent coupling controlled by surface hydroxyl groups on rutile TiO2 surfaces"
Oleg Kurnosikov (Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands) - Low dimensional materials (nanowires, clusters, quantum dots, etc.)
"Subsurface epitaxial growth of hidden Co nanoclusters"
Lise-Marie Lacroix (LPCNO, France) - Low dimensional materials (nanowires, clusters, quantum dots, etc.)
"Ultrathin Au nanowires : towards 1D electronic properties"
Philippe Lafarge (University Paris Diderot, MPQ, France) - Low dimensional materials (nanowires, clusters, quantum dots, etc.)
"Electron phonon interaction and quantum interference in molecular junctions"
Guy Le Lay (Aix-Marseille Université CNRS, PIIM, France) - Graphene & 2D / Carbon nanotubes
"Progress in single layer silicene functionalization and in multilayer germanene growth"
Xing Ma (Max-Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Germany) - Nanostructured and nanoparticle based materials
"Surface Conductive Graphene-wrapped Micro-motors Exhibiting Enhanced Motion"
Manuel Marqués (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain) - NanoOptics / NanoPhotonics / Plasmonics / Nanophononics
"The mechanical action of the spin curl optical forces"
Jean-Daniel Marty (Université Paul Sabatier, France) - Nanobiotechnologies & Nanomedicine
"Stimuli responsive hybrid nanomaterials: applications in drug delivery and imaging"
Miguel Moreno Ugeda (University of California at Berkeley, United States) - Graphene & 2D / Carbon nanotubes
"Probing bandgap renormalization, excitonic effects, and interlayer coupling in 2D transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductors"
Vladimir Popov (National University of Science and Technology "MISIS", Russia) - Nanostructured and nanoparticle based materials
"Development of Aluminum Matrix Composites with Non-agglomerated Nanodiamond Reinforcements"
Volker Rose (Argonne National Laboratory, United States) - High spatial resolution spectroscopies under SPM probe
"Synchrotron X-ray Scanning Tunneling Microscopy: Elemental Fingerprinting of Materials with Sensitivity at the Atomic Limit"
Laurent Simon (IS2M-UMR7361-CNRS-UHA, France) - Graphene & 2D / Carbon nanotubes
"First Direct Observation of Diels-Alder Reactions on Graphene without Defects"
José Solla-Gullón (University of Alicante, Spain) - Nanomaterials for Energy
"Electrocatalysis on shape-controlled metal nanoparticles: advances and challenges"
Alexander Steinman (National University of Science and Technology "MISIS", Russia) - Other
"The synthesis of BN-nanostructures from borates of alkali and alkaline-earth metals"
Simon Tricard (CNRS, LPCNO, INSA, Université de Toulouse, France) - Nanostructured and nanoparticle based materials
"Molecules affect charge transport in nano-particle self-assemblies, at room temperature"
Irene Yarovsky (Health Innovations Research Institute, Australia) - Nanobiotechnologies & Nanomedicine
"Designing Gold Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications: Insights from Theoretical Simulations"
Marketa Zukalova (J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry, ASCR, Czech Republic) - Nanomaterials for Energy
"Mechanism of alkali metal insertion into TiO2 polymorphs"
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