Presenting Author
IMPORTANT: The Organisation request Authors to send their contribution providing details of the PRESENTING AUTHOR (filling out the form below) - only one contribution per presenting author will be accepted |
All fields are mandatory |
Type of Contribution |
Poster Session B: Senior Session
The Presenting author should be the student requesting the grant .
To be elegible, applicants should attach a support letter from their thesis advisor. More details |
Topics: |
Abstract Title: |
Authors: |
Abstract (PDF): |
File name should be as following: TNT2020_FamilyName_Name.ext
Please, don´t use special characters (accents, symbols...)
Abstract (DOC): |
File name should be as following: TNT2020_FamilyName_Name.ext
Please, don´t use special characters (accents, symbols...)
Files can only be '.doc', '.pdf', '.txt' or '.zip' with size under 2Mb |
Files bigger than 2Mb should be sent by e-mail to |
To validate the Abstract Submission, please write the following code: |